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Data buffer in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2021-12-17Updated:2021-12-17
Similar words: bufferbufferingbuffer zoneunbufferedbuffer poolbuffer statebuffer spacebuffer stock
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1. Accordingly , each layer has a data buffer.
2. BufferedReader main function is to: data buffer.
3. Accordingly , each layer has a data buffer. Data are exchanged between layers by buffers.
4. PPLIVE all the programs display data buffer are prepared to play.
5. The protocol realized some functions, such as two-way data buffer, shift register, clock circuit and parity check.
6. The key technique for the data buffer storage in multi-type video signal conservation and transmission is discussed emphatically.
7. Said video camera module and image data buffer module are respectively connected to the multi-screen display wall and computer via the main control module.
7. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
8. To decrease delay jittering , a data buffer scheme is achieved with the two proposed algorithms.
9. No, UDT can transfer a data buffer from one single byte to multiple tera -bytes, as long as your system can provide enough resources.
10. NET mainly offers two kinds of buffer memory technology:the output buffer memory (page level and user control level) and the data buffer memory.
11. Sledge of CB adaptation, the major changes to deal the data buffer.
12. ASP. NET mainly offers two kinds of buffer memory technology:the output buffer memory (page level and user control level) and the data buffer memory.
13. If the length is big enough, the list of configured Domino servers will be placed in the data buffer area. Otherwise it will result in errors or incomplete data being returned.
14. Asynchronous FIFO is applied to the design of asynchronous data buffer between the interface and the core of ATM communication chip.
15. Arithmetic unit: Arithmetic unit is a data processing unit that consists of arithmetic logic unit(ALU), accumulator, data buffer, ect.
16. This article examined problems produced when two C functions interact using a conventional data buffer management scheme.
17. This setting is the size in bytes (the default is 320000) of the data buffer used by the messaging engine for the best effort, non-persistent reliability level.
18. A FLASH Direct Memory Access(DMA) technique has been adopt for high-speed data transport between FLASH memory and data buffer.
19. As such, the next section outlines the various problems programmers currently face when they adopt a conventional data buffer management scheme.
More similar words: bufferbufferingbuffer zoneunbufferedbuffer poolbuffer statebuffer spacebuffer stockbuffer storagedata busbuffer solutionbuffer amplifierphosphate bufferbuffetbuffet carbuffetedbuffetingdufferpuffersufferblufferstuffersnufferpufferysufferersufferingsuffer fromsufferancepufferfishdatable
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